Case studies and testimonials

Sludge treatment equipment/water treatment chemicals
Easy dewatering of oily sludge by the self-cleaning mechanism
Ingredients manufacturing factory for instant noodles in Japan
- Sludge dewatering press
- Food Beverage
- Dewatering oily sludge
- Ingredients manufacturing factory for instant noodles in Japan
Their problem
This factory manufactures ingredients for instant noodles, which produces oily waste water and sludge. The customer was troubled with dewatering of the oily sludge.
AMCON’s solution
VOLUTE™ was installed thanks to the feature of high resistance to oily sludge. VOLUTE™ has self-cleaning mechanism unlike filter presses or belt presses, and the stable dewatering of oily sludge does not need any long daily maintenance. In addition, the customer is satisfied with no use of a large amount of wash water.